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What does being 'school ready' mean?

The start of a new school term is always exciting, but when it's the transition into "big school", your child's first term can feel a little daunting for both the child and parents.

Starting school is a big step for little people. Some children may have been at nursery for almost five years, so a change of setting is a big deal for everyone.

But, don't worry. Little Explorers have been helping to get your child 'school ready' during their time with us to make this process as second nature as possible.

So what exactly does school ready mean? Here's a list of some of the skills they have developed while at nursery:

  • Strong social skills
  • Ability to cope emotionally with being separated from their parents
  • Be relatively independent
  • Have a curiosity about the world and a desire to learn
  • Able to recognise their own name
  • Toilet trained
  • Able to feed themselves
  • Good language skills
  • Social skills
  • Have the ability to play and share
  • Have the ability to sit, listen, and follow instructions
  • Develop their fine motor skills
  • Able to put their own coat on
  • Learn their phase 1 phonics

As childcare professionals, we have waved goodbye to dozens of little explorers as they make the transition to school, and each and every year we shed a tear at their nursery graduation. We love watching each child develop their own personality while gaining confidence.

We are in a privileged position of being able to not only calm the anxiety that many parents like you feel at this time, but also to help prepare the children for their first weeks at school and create a solid foundation for their future.

Come and take a look around your local Little Explorers Nursery and meet some of the many Little Explorers we've helped to get ready for school!

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