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Settling in your child - and you

Parents: you have probably stalked several nurseries in your location on Google and social media, scoured through their Ofsted reports, visited several in person and made notes on the 'vibes' you get during our visit. Now it's our turn to reassure you.

We admit, starting nursery can be daunting for a little person - and that's why it is so important to create a smooth transition for that child. However, we feel it's also equally as important to create a smooth transition for the parent.

A child will be anxious about the move, and more often than not, so will the parent (often, even more so!) Effective transition requires careful planning and a positive approach. Trust us, we've got this.

Rather than a rigid transition period, we adopt a more flexible approach depending on how much additional support a child and their family may need. For example, some children are like ducks to water and don't require more than a week to settle in. But, more timid children may take a little longer - and this is also fine. We strongly believe in a child-led approach.

Here at Little Explorers, we are here to hold your hand as well as the child's. We give all our parents the opportunity to speak to us about any concerns you may have and ask any questions - however silly you think they may be.

Each child has a key worker who will work closely with your child and help them to become established and flourish at nursery. Their key worker, who you will get to know well, will help to make the transition smooth to ensure they are happy in their new surroundings.

We hold regular meetings to enable both parents and staff to get to know one another and make communications easier. We also have an open door policy so parents can visit the new setting whenever they like.

From our (many) years of experience, we know that the initial change can be a little scary - and we're sure you'll agree that the first day in a new job is too. But, as they start to make friends and learn the routine, they become more confident, learn new skills, become more social and have lots of fun.

Come and take a look around your local Little Explorers Nursery and meet some of the many Little Explorers (and their parents) we've helped to settle in!

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